Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Josie, Georgia, Griffin, Emily, and Charlie building with Tinker Toys in the Construction Zone.

Taylor with his Tinker Toy creation.

Sasha exercising her fine motor skills putting tiny tubes on toothpicks.
Maren does the same activity as Sasha but uses tweezers to pick up and put the tiny tubes on to the toothpicks.

Tangrams are in the photos below and require good problem-solving and spatial reasoning skills.
Jake and Charlie enjoying a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.


We did our first entry in our Pre-K Journals today. For this first entry, we asked the children to draw a picture of what they liked/what made them feel happy when they are at school. A teacher wrote in each journal what the child dictated about his drawing for this entry. We will continue to work in our journals throughout the school year and will share your child's journal with you during parent/teacher conferences.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Today we introduced and explained a new activity--creating stories at the Writing Center during Free Choice time. Below is a blank story page. First, children illustrate their story using stickers, crayons, colored pencils, etc. When finished with their illustrations, children dictate a story describing their picture and a teacher will write the words. Children can choose if they would like to name their stories with a title. They will also stamp the date on their story.

Once a story is complete, the child puts his/her story in the Author Basket. He/She will then have a special time to share the story with the class.

Once a child has shared a story with the class, he/she will bring it home in his/her blue folder to share with family members.
Once a child has shared the story with the family, he/she should bring it back to school and will keep it in his/her special Pre-K portfolio. What an amazing author!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Animal of the Week

The Mandrill Monkey

~It lives in the rainforest.

~It is a mammal.

~It eats plants, insects, and small animals.

~It is the world's largest kind of monkey.


During Free Choice time today, the children were asked to look at the jars filled with marshmallows (pictured below) and estimate which one had the Most Marshmallows--Jar #1 with the mini marshmallows or Jar #2 with the large marshmallows.

Using a number stamp, each child made a guess beside his/her name.

We counted the marshmallows in jar #2 first (the one with the large marshmallows). There were 20 marshmallows.

Next, we counted the mini marshmallows from jar #1. There were more than 100. Clearly, jar #1 had the Most Marshmallows!


Today we learned more about our friend, Charlie, who is our new "Star of the Week". Charlie told us about his favorite things and shared some photos with us. Thanks, Charlie!


Thank you to Lucas and his mom for helping us to celebrate our 2oth day of school. Our Zero the Hero project was making a face on a circle. There was a variety of materials to use as we created a face. They are drying at school and will be ready to bring home tomorrow! Happy Zero the Hero Day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today we read the story, "Mickey's Magnet". Following the story, we explored our classroom with real magnets to find objects that were magnetic. Ask your child to tell you what something has to be made of in order to be magnetic. You can also ask them what kinds of metals are magnetic (iron and steel).

Be sure to ask your child to show you the M&M graph he/she did today (Wed.) using real M&M candies. Have your child "read" the graph to you by asking him/her which color of M&M had the most, the least and if there were any colors that were equal.

Maeve using highlighting tape to locate a word that begins with "m" in our "M" cheer.

Building a marble maze

"Five Little Monkeys Jumpin' On the Bed"

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today we helped Lucas celebrate his birthday. Lucas' dad read the story, "Hello, Robots", and then we ate ice cream with sprinkles for snack. Happy Birthday, Lucas!

Friday, September 18, 2009


At the end of the week, we always decorate the letter we have been studying. Today, we glued buttons on our "B".


Today during story time at the library, Mrs. Mullin read the story, "The Button Box". Next, she showed us a tin filled with buttons, some of which were her grandmother's. Then, we each got our own egg carton and some buttons we could sort by size, shape, color, etc. It was a button bonanza!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


"Blue Bubble Art" has been a very popular activity during Free Choice time this week. Be sure to ask your child how it works!