Friday, October 9, 2009


~telling you the story of "Fifi Ferret".
~what we glued on our letter "F" on Friday.
~the floating experiment we did.
~how many days we were in school when we celebrated Zero the Hero this week.
~Fireman Dave's visit.
~what we ate for snack on Friday--it has 2 F's in it!

Below are some photos and explanations of what we did in Pre-K this past week...

Our pocket chart story this week was "Funny Fish". These weekly pocket chart stories include repetitive phrases, picture clues, and sight vocabulary--all appropriate strategies/ways for emergent readers to develop their reading skills. We do the story as a group interactive activity and then the story is available in the classroom library for students to do during Free Choice time.

In the photos below, Robert and Griffin are taking turns matching the tools to the community helper which uses them.

We created our faces. Come take a look--they are hanging on the bulletin board outside our classroom.

Our animal of the week is a ferret.
Our Dramatic Play area is now a Fire Station.
Instead of playdough, we used "floam".

On Thursday we celebrated "Zero the Hero" day with our 30th day of school. Taylor and his mom brought in pumpkins for us to decorate.

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