Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today we introduced the concept of symmetry using the wings of a butterfly as an example. In the activity you see in the photos below, the teacher placed a sticker on one side of a butterfly. Next, the teacher gave the same type of sticker to a student who then placed it on the other side of the butterfly wing to make it symmetrical.

Our finished, symmetrical butterfly.
In another activity we did today, children looked at pictures of objects and determined whether or not the object was symmetrical or unsymmetrical. To help determine whether or not an object was symmetrical, a drinking straw was provided for the children to place in the middle of the picture of the object. Using the straw helped the children better visualize and determine if the object was symmetrical.

The photos below show an activity we did on the Smartboard to practice and develop the concept of symmetry. The activity started with one side of the butterfly completed as depicted in the photo below.
Each child had a turn to complete one section of the other side of the butterfly.

Our completed, symmetrical butterfly!

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