Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year and Welcome Back! We hope your Winter Break was enjoyable and restful. As we embark on the second half of the school year, we wanted to give you a "glimpse" of what your Pre-K child will be doing...

~continuing our study of the letter sounds
~working on recognizing and writing last names

~working on writing first and last names using lower case letters

~working on writing numerals, using the correct formation
~celebrating the 100th Day of School

~rehearsing and preparing to perform a class play in March
~learning about Outer Space from January through March
~learning about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly during April and May
~beginning a weekly reading homework activity called "Book In A Bag"

Please look for a letter explaining this activity to come home in your child's blue folder this Friday. We will begin our "Book In A Bag" activity beginning next week.

Friday February 12th
For our Valentine's Day Party, your child will need to bring in valentines for each classmate and also for his/her second grade buddy(ies). (PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HAVE 22 CHILDREN IN OUR CLASS) In order to make distributing the valentines easier, we ask that your child sign his/her name on each card but PLEASE DO NOT PUT CLASSMATES' NAMES ON THE ENVELOPES. Your child does not need to decorate a valentine box for collecting his/her valentines for classmates. Instead, we will have the children decorate a special valentine bag at school. Parents are welcome to join us for our Valentine celebration!

~Please send in your child's tennis shoes for P.E. class.
~Your child is welcome to wear boots to and from school. He/she can change into school shoes when at school.
~Please make sure your child has hats, gloves, mittens, etc. each day.

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