Friday, September 25, 2009


Today we introduced and explained a new activity--creating stories at the Writing Center during Free Choice time. Below is a blank story page. First, children illustrate their story using stickers, crayons, colored pencils, etc. When finished with their illustrations, children dictate a story describing their picture and a teacher will write the words. Children can choose if they would like to name their stories with a title. They will also stamp the date on their story.

Once a story is complete, the child puts his/her story in the Author Basket. He/She will then have a special time to share the story with the class.

Once a child has shared a story with the class, he/she will bring it home in his/her blue folder to share with family members.
Once a child has shared the story with the family, he/she should bring it back to school and will keep it in his/her special Pre-K portfolio. What an amazing author!

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