Thursday, September 10, 2009


At calendar today, we put up the number 10 and added another straw to our pocket to signify the 10th day of school. Since we now have 10 straws, we "bundled" them into a group and moved them to the middle pocket where we now have 1 group of 10 straws. We have 0 straws for the "singles" (ones) pocket, so "Zero the Hero" goes in the pocket for today.

Today we celebrated our first "Zero the Hero" day with our 10th day of school. Emmanuel and his mom brought in beads for us to make necklaces. Since it was our 10th day of school, we put 10 beads on our necklace. The beads are in the shape of a zero and also the necklaces look like a zero. We learned and sang a new song to help us celebrate this special day.

Zero the Hero was stamped on our hand today.

A sample necklace

Thank you for a great Zero the Hero day!

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